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ABS hospital Mission

Broadly, we have four missions for our hospital.

There are four squares in the logo of our hospital. Each square represents one mission of our hospital. Let us elaborate. We have chosen a square over other geometrical figures as we believe square is unique and represents balance and equanimity.


Clinical care

To provide quality healthcare at rock bottom prices. The cost of healthcare is increasing everyday. As a society, especially in South India we are ageing and hence the healthcare costs are likely to increase. Hence we have taken up a mission of driving down health care costs without compromising the quality.



We would like to train the next generation of doctors and other healthcare professionals. We would like to put our education and experience into better use by training them. The future of healthcare in our country would depend on the quality of healthcare professionals that we are producing now



For healthcare to progress, we need to continuously do research. We at present believe in clinical research with the hope of expanding health care. We are continuously trying to develop new protocols and refine the existing protocols for better clinical outcome.



We would like to actively collaborate with the industry whether it is for my industry or other manufacturer of surgical and medical instrument so that the industry understands the needs of our patients and able to design, customise and improve the quality of devices that are available in the market.

Get in touch for best treatment and for best doctors . Get in touch for best treatment and for best doctors

+91 630 006 3075